Sales Tax States
New York - North Creek

Reverse Sales Tax Calculator of North Creek

Calculation of the general sales taxes of the city North Creek, New York for 2021 Q2

How 2021 Q2 Sales taxes are calculated in North Creek

The North Creek, New York, general sales tax rate is 4%. The sales tax rate is always 7%

Every 2021 Q2 combined rates mentioned above are the results of New York state rate (4%), the county rate (3%). There is no city sale tax for North Creek. There is no special rate for North Creek.

The North Creek's tax rate may change depending of the type of purchase.

Please refer to the New York website for more sales taxes information.

North Creek city rate(s)

7% is the smallest possible tax rate (12853, North Creek, New York)

The average combined rate of every zip code in North Creek, New York is 7%

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